Monday, September 15, 2008

Today's class.....

Well today we had EAP class ,and we were learning ways to write for our audience.It seems that we must always write our essays or any written activity to be presented effectively to our audience.For example, in our essays our audience are our lecturers.Any tasks that are given by them in a written form has to be written in order for them to understand what we are saying.I didn't know that this was such an important key in writing essays.It has to be clear, explicit and the information must be adequate.When all of this information add up, it becomes a excellent essay and naturally ends up with great marks.Next time I write an essay, I will bear my audience in mind and write for them so they could understand my essay even better.I'm actually planning to write a story book later in years to come.It has been my long term dream to produce my own story book.Later when I decide to start working on my story book, I will remember my target audience for sure.I haven't decided on the title or the story line yet but i I hope to start on it when I have completed my degree.I have read many story and literary books since I was young and I hope to use those words I've learned in my future story book.Another activity we did in EAP class was doing grammar questions online.It was tough alright,and by doing those questions ,I learned that I still have much to improve in the english language grammar.I will try my best to improve on my grammar and hopefully the book I plan to write in the future comes out well without grammatical errors.That' all thank you.

1 comment:

AIN said...

i think i feel this way too. what should i do? hire you as my private tutor? :)