Monday, September 29, 2008

#The Funniest#

Well this time I thought of writing the funny jokes I read last week in a magazine.Please enjoy them as I did when I read it.

1) Dying man asks his wife.Our 4th son always looked different from the other 3,
Did he have a different father?
Man:Whose is it?

2) 6 facts on earth:
1st fact:You can't touch all ur teeth with ur tongue.
2nd fact:After reading this, all fools will try it.
3rd fact:Now you will smile because you have become a fool.
4d fact:Now you want to fool your friends.
5th fact:Now you will forward it to all your friends.
6th fact:Fact 1 is false.

3) Doctor:I have some bad news and some very bad news.
Patient:Well,might as well give me the bad news first.
Doctor:The lab called with your test results.
They said you have 24 hours to live.
Patient:24 HOURS! That's terrible! WHAT could be WORSE?
What's the very bad news?
Doctor:I've been trying to reach you since yesterday.

4) A couple was dating near the sea.
Boyfriend:You remind me of the sea.
Girlfriend:Why?, is it because i'm wild,sexy and unpredictable?
Boyfriend:No it's because you make me sick.

5) A guy went to a coffee shop.
Guy:I would like a cup of coffee please?
Waiter:Would you like your coffee black sir?
Guy:What other colours do you have?

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