Friday, October 31, 2008
Natural environment(ecosystems)

A headache (cephalalgia in medical terminology) is a condition of pain in the head; sometimes neck or upper back pain may also be interpreted as a headache. It ranks amongst the most common local pain complaints and may be frequent for many people.
The vast majority of headaches are benign and self-limiting. Common causes are tension, migraine, eye strain, dehydration, low blood sugar, hypermastication and sinusitis. Much rarer are headaches due to life-threatening conditions such as meningitis, encephalitis, cerebral aneurysms, extremely high blood pressure, and brain tumors. When the headache occurs in conjunction with a head injury the cause is usually quite evident. A large percentage of headaches among women are caused by ever-fluctuating estrogen during menstrual years. This can occur prior to, or even during midcycle menstruation.Treatment of an uncomplicated headache is usually symptomatic with over-the-counter painkillers such as aspirin, paracetamol (acetaminophen), or ibuprofen, although some specific forms of headaches (e.g., migraines) may demand other, more suitable treatment. It may be possible to relate the occurrence of a headache to other particular triggers (such as stress or particular foods), which can then be avoided.Some forms of headache, such as migraine, may be amenable to preventative treatment. On the whole, long-term use of painkillers is discouraged as this may lead to drug induced headaches and "rebound headaches" on withdrawal. Caffeine, a vasoconstrictor, is sometimes prescribed or recommended as a remedy or supplement to pain killers in the case of extreme migraine. This has led to the development of paracetamol/caffeine analgesic.
Petasites, magnesium, feverfew. riboflavin, CoQ10, and melatonin are "natural" supplements that have shown some efficacy for migraine prevention; a 2006 review tentatively ranked petasites and magnesium with the best evidence, and melatonin with by far the least. Adverse events included sore mouth and tongue (including ulcers) and abdominal pain for feverfew.
The vast majority of headaches are benign and self-limiting. Common causes are tension, migraine, eye strain, dehydration, low blood sugar, hypermastication and sinusitis. Much rarer are headaches due to life-threatening conditions such as meningitis, encephalitis, cerebral aneurysms, extremely high blood pressure, and brain tumors. When the headache occurs in conjunction with a head injury the cause is usually quite evident. A large percentage of headaches among women are caused by ever-fluctuating estrogen during menstrual years. This can occur prior to, or even during midcycle menstruation.Treatment of an uncomplicated headache is usually symptomatic with over-the-counter painkillers such as aspirin, paracetamol (acetaminophen), or ibuprofen, although some specific forms of headaches (e.g., migraines) may demand other, more suitable treatment. It may be possible to relate the occurrence of a headache to other particular triggers (such as stress or particular foods), which can then be avoided.Some forms of headache, such as migraine, may be amenable to preventative treatment. On the whole, long-term use of painkillers is discouraged as this may lead to drug induced headaches and "rebound headaches" on withdrawal. Caffeine, a vasoconstrictor, is sometimes prescribed or recommended as a remedy or supplement to pain killers in the case of extreme migraine. This has led to the development of paracetamol/caffeine analgesic.
Petasites, magnesium, feverfew. riboflavin, CoQ10, and melatonin are "natural" supplements that have shown some efficacy for migraine prevention; a 2006 review tentatively ranked petasites and magnesium with the best evidence, and melatonin with by far the least. Adverse events included sore mouth and tongue (including ulcers) and abdominal pain for feverfew.
@Halloweeen Day@

Last week
As my title states, next week is the last week for my first semester to finish.Next week is also where tips or discussion week will take place.After 14 weeks, next week everything is going to end at least for this semester.I still have to present for EAP and SIFE, sit for management quiz and many more things to be done.There's also the study skills assignment that just came in yesterday which has to be submitted next tuesday.There's still much work that needs to be done and time is quite limited.Hopefully, i could manage all the work and do well in the quiz as well.After next week, final exam starts and after that the 6 weeks break.Well that's all.
The Lost World of Tambun
Since I didn't celebrate deepavali this year, my dad brought my whole family to a theme park in Ipoh. It's called the lost world of tambun.It's similar to Sunway Lagoon in many ways.There are many pools and activities that are held there. My family stayed there for one day and took our leave the next day.It was fun to spend time with my family since it had been a while since we spent time together as a family.The theme park was very fun and I also played some of the rides available there.There's also a train that shows all the things available in the theme park.Next time I hope I could go there again with my family members.
~Happy Deepavali~

I would like to wish every indian Happy Deepavali/Diwali.To my two classmates as well, which is nisha and veena who's celebrating in their houses.I didn't celebrate this year and last year because my relatives past away.Hopefully, I can celebrate next year with my family members.Well that's all thank you.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
~Global Warning~
Today I watched television after doing two of my assignments, I watched channel 555 which is the history channel which I really love to watch during free time.Today they talked about global warming and the reason they gave it the title of 'global warning' is not simply done because it's a serious topic nowadays.As i'm sure most people know but couldn't care less about is about this global warming issue.It seems that the green house effect is realy affecting our world's temperature as it releases carbon dioxide.It's getting warmer and warmer as the years pass.Too much of carbon dioxide is just not good for us at all as we need oxygen unlike plants.There is another more important reason that is causing global warming which is the melting of the ice near the artic sea's.The more it melts, the more higher the level of our sea's rises in height and amount.The recent study shows that the methane chemical in the sea's which comes out as bubbles is causing global warming as well.It shows that our world is heating up through our seas and might wipe us out like how the dinosaurs were wiped out 250 milion years ago.This is such a serious matter yet no one seems to care about this issue at all.I realy hope that global warming can be avoided and we could still make with with everyone's cooperation.That's all.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
*Perceptions of people*
The perceptions of people can vary from on another as they do not see and perceive things the same way.Some might answer differently and others might answer through the first thing that comes to mind.I'm sort of summarizing what I learned and gained today in management class.It seems that all my classmates perceptions were different and so was mine.It depends on our character,preference and knowledge that we have and that effects our judgement and perception towards other individuals and stuff surrounding us.The example our lecturer gave is, if someone who has no knowledge in arts go to a arts muzium they will perceive the monalisa painting normal and nothing outstanding or amazing.On the other hand, if it was a expert or fanatic in the arts field, they will have much to say and complement our critic the painting.I'm an art student so i do understand the monalisa painting very well and in my opinion it is an amazing art with such creativity even in the old days.For some people, they might not even know wat is the monalisa painting and it's importance.This is because of the difference in character,preference and knowledge as I've mentioned before.I wrote about this to recall my studies today as i will understand better later as I have written about it.That's all, thank you.
#Alzheimer's Disease#

Alzheimer's disease damages the brain. It causes a steady loss of memory and how well you can speak, think, and carry on daily activities.Alzheimer's disease always gets worse over time, but how quickly this happens varies. Some people lose the ability to do daily activities early on. Others may still do fairly well until much later in the disease.Mild memory loss is common in people older than 60. It may not mean that you have Alzheimer’s disease. But if your memory is getting worse, see your doctor. If it is Alzheimer’s, treatment may help.There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease, but there are medicines that may slow it down for a while and make it easier to live with. Drugs that may be prescribed include:
-Medicines to help with memory and thinking problems, such as donepezil (Aricept).
-Medicines to help with help with moderate to severe confusion and memory loss/such as memantine (Namenda).
These medicines may not work for everyone or have a big effect, but most experts think they are worth a try.As the disease gets worse, the person may get depressed or angry and upset. The doctor may also prescribe medicines to help with these problems.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Dear all, whether u believe or not, please take note, it would be a very important message to everyone, who lives in this world as to precaution on that when the times to come.
Hv a nice day.
Dunno how true this is.. maybe should print this email out stick out somewhere and monitor if the predictions come true for 2008
Mr. Juseleeno, born in 1960(reportedly still alive in 2008), is a Brazilian who has made many predictions, and MOST have come to pass, including Princess Diana's death by car accident (which is instigated by someone near her and will probably unfortunately be written off as a car accident), 911 and the 2004 Indonesian tsunami. He sees the future in his dreams, and has an average of 3 to 9 such predictions per day. When he wakes up, he will write them down, and send warnings to those concerned.
If it concerns only a normal individual, he will write a letter to warn him/her.
If it is a famous person(celebrity, politician etc.), or matters
concerning the public, he will not only send it to the individual himself/herself, but also related agencies, government, and media. He urged the media to publicise these predictions, but the reply always went along the lines
of rejection for fear of arousing public panic.
Future predictions:
2008, July: There will be an earthquake in Japan, which will cause a tsunami of 30 plus metres high to occur as well.
2008, 18th September: An earthquake with magnitude of approximately 9.1 will rock China ,
simultaneously causing a tsunami of more than 30 metres to occur, resulting in the deaths of more than 1 million people. Although this huge earthquake will happen after the Olympics have ended, there will be a series of relatively smaller earthquakes occurring in China before the huge earthquake. The China government, which is more concerned with the success of the Olympics, will most likely neglect to employ appropriate cautionary measures, thus the high casualty rate. If
the China government does not publicise the occurrence of these minor earthquakes and evacuate people, the number of deaths will be as predicted.
2008, 17th December: terrorist attack in America
2010: The temperatures in some countries of Africa could be as high as 58 degrees Celsius, and there will be a serious shortage of water.
2010, 15th June: The New York Stock Exchange market will fail, causing an international financial crisis.
2011: The research on the treatment of some cancers will be completed, but a new life-threatening virus will appear. People who are infected will die after only approx. 4 hours of coming into contact with the virus.
2013, 1st ? 25th November: Research on treatment of cancers, except for brain tumors, will be completed. An earthquake, caused by volcanic eruptions, will happen on Bahama Island of the Canary Islands. A gigantic tsunami of roughly 150 metres will result. America mainlands, Brazil etc. will be affected, with the tsunami pushing into the land as far as 15 to
20 kilometres. Before the occurrence of this gigantic tsunami, the sea/ocean water levels will sink by about 6 metres, and large flocks of birds will start to migrate.
2014: A small planet that has been gradually closing in on Earth might eventually collide with Earth, and this collision, if come to pass, will affect the survival of humans as a whole.
2015: By the mid of November, the average temperature of Earth could be as high as 59 degrees Celsius. Many people will die from the overheat, and international confusion and terror ensues.
2016, April: A huge typhoon will invade China, causing massive damage. The 43rd USA president, George Walker Bush, will enter the hospital, and faces a life or death situation.
2026, July: A super earthquake will occur in Sans Francisco, and it will be named 'The Big One'. Huge damage to surrounding areas. Many volcanoes will re-activate, and the height of resulting tsunami will be more than 150 metres.
Mr. Juseleeno made known his predictions in hopes that people will take heed of his warnings, so that these disasters may be avoided. He hopes there will be a major change in the thinking of people's mindsets in the time period 2007 ? 2008. One factor will be the environmental issue of global warming, which is more serious than what some meteorologists
As rain fall on the just and the unjust alike, let your heart be untroubled by judgments and let your kindness rain on fall.
Hv a nice day.
Dunno how true this is.. maybe should print this email out stick out somewhere and monitor if the predictions come true for 2008
Mr. Juseleeno, born in 1960(reportedly still alive in 2008), is a Brazilian who has made many predictions, and MOST have come to pass, including Princess Diana's death by car accident (which is instigated by someone near her and will probably unfortunately be written off as a car accident), 911 and the 2004 Indonesian tsunami. He sees the future in his dreams, and has an average of 3 to 9 such predictions per day. When he wakes up, he will write them down, and send warnings to those concerned.
If it concerns only a normal individual, he will write a letter to warn him/her.
If it is a famous person(celebrity, politician etc.), or matters
concerning the public, he will not only send it to the individual himself/herself, but also related agencies, government, and media. He urged the media to publicise these predictions, but the reply always went along the lines
of rejection for fear of arousing public panic.
Future predictions:
2008, July: There will be an earthquake in Japan, which will cause a tsunami of 30 plus metres high to occur as well.
2008, 18th September: An earthquake with magnitude of approximately 9.1 will rock China ,
simultaneously causing a tsunami of more than 30 metres to occur, resulting in the deaths of more than 1 million people. Although this huge earthquake will happen after the Olympics have ended, there will be a series of relatively smaller earthquakes occurring in China before the huge earthquake. The China government, which is more concerned with the success of the Olympics, will most likely neglect to employ appropriate cautionary measures, thus the high casualty rate. If
the China government does not publicise the occurrence of these minor earthquakes and evacuate people, the number of deaths will be as predicted.
2008, 17th December: terrorist attack in America
2010: The temperatures in some countries of Africa could be as high as 58 degrees Celsius, and there will be a serious shortage of water.
2010, 15th June: The New York Stock Exchange market will fail, causing an international financial crisis.
2011: The research on the treatment of some cancers will be completed, but a new life-threatening virus will appear. People who are infected will die after only approx. 4 hours of coming into contact with the virus.
2013, 1st ? 25th November: Research on treatment of cancers, except for brain tumors, will be completed. An earthquake, caused by volcanic eruptions, will happen on Bahama Island of the Canary Islands. A gigantic tsunami of roughly 150 metres will result. America mainlands, Brazil etc. will be affected, with the tsunami pushing into the land as far as 15 to
20 kilometres. Before the occurrence of this gigantic tsunami, the sea/ocean water levels will sink by about 6 metres, and large flocks of birds will start to migrate.
2014: A small planet that has been gradually closing in on Earth might eventually collide with Earth, and this collision, if come to pass, will affect the survival of humans as a whole.
2015: By the mid of November, the average temperature of Earth could be as high as 59 degrees Celsius. Many people will die from the overheat, and international confusion and terror ensues.
2016, April: A huge typhoon will invade China, causing massive damage. The 43rd USA president, George Walker Bush, will enter the hospital, and faces a life or death situation.
2026, July: A super earthquake will occur in Sans Francisco, and it will be named 'The Big One'. Huge damage to surrounding areas. Many volcanoes will re-activate, and the height of resulting tsunami will be more than 150 metres.
Mr. Juseleeno made known his predictions in hopes that people will take heed of his warnings, so that these disasters may be avoided. He hopes there will be a major change in the thinking of people's mindsets in the time period 2007 ? 2008. One factor will be the environmental issue of global warming, which is more serious than what some meteorologists
As rain fall on the just and the unjust alike, let your heart be untroubled by judgments and let your kindness rain on fall.
@KFC's Real Meaning@

Hi all,
I am not sure if its true, anyway just for your info.
KFC has been a part of our American traditions for many years.. Many people, day in and day out, eat at KFC religiously. Do they really know what they are eating? During a recent study of KFC done at the University of New Hampshire , they found some very upsetting facts. First of all, has anybody noticed that just recently, the company has changed their name?
Kentucky Fried Chicken has become KFC. Does anybody know why? We thought the real reason was because of the "FRIED" food issue.
The reason why they call it KFC is because they can not use the word chicken anymore. Why? KFC does not use real chickens. They actually use genetically manipulated organisms. These so called "chickens" are kept alive by tubes inserted into their bodies to pump blood and nutrients throughout their structure. They have no beaks, no feathers, and no feet. Their bone structure is dramatically shrunk to get more meat out of them. This is great for KFC.
Because they do not have to pay so much for their production costs. There is no more plucking of the feathers or the removal of the beaks and feet. The government has told them to change all of their menus so they do not say chicken anywhere. If you look closely you will notice this. Listen
to their commercials, I guarantee you will not see or hear the word chicken. I find this matter to be very disturbing.
I hope people will start to realize this and let other people know. Please forward this message to as many people as you can. Together we make KFC start using real chicken again.
-Few more days-
Time is passing so fast and now only left 3 more days before class starts back again.There's so many work to do like assignments, quizzes, presentations and so on.There's two assignmnents to do which is the economy and management assignment.Both are group assignments.There's many quizzes when I go back to kl. I heard there's economy, accounting,management to do.I also have two presentations to do and time is definitely running out.I have to do an economy and SIFE presentation by this month.Too much work and too little time to enjoy myself at home.I'm sure the others feel the same though, my classmates and friends.I have to manage somehow eventhough I'm not feeling that well this few days.I also have to help my mom with work since she can't do heavy work.Hopefully everything will turn out alright later, well that's all.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Gren tea has powerful health benefits and if we are not drinking 2-4 cups a day, we are not doing a big favor to ourselves.
25 reasons why we should start drinking green tea starting from now:
1)Reduces cancer
2)Prevents heart disease
3)Fight against aging and promotes longevity
4)Heps lose body weight
5)Protect the skin cells and skin cancer
6)Protect risk of rheumabid arthritis
7)Keeps the bones strong
8)Lower cholesterol level
9)Prevents obesity
10)Diabetes level controlled
11)Boost memory and reduces Alzheimer's
12)Avoid Parkinson's
13)Helps prevent transplant failure for people with liver failure
14)Prevent high blood pressure
15)Kills bacteria that causes food poisoning
16)Lower sugar level
17)Boost immune system
18)Avoid cold and flue
19)Reduce severity of asthma
20)Helps with ear infection problem
21)Treatment of herpes
22)Destroys bacteria that causes dental diseases and bad breathe
23)Helps relieve stress and anxiety
24)Relieves allergies
25)EGCG in green tea can stop HIV from binding to healthy immune cells
#The Funniest#
Well this time I thought of writing the funny jokes I read last week in a magazine.Please enjoy them as I did when I read it.
1) Dying man asks his wife.Our 4th son always looked different from the other 3,
Did he have a different father?
Man:Whose is it?
2) 6 facts on earth:
1st fact:You can't touch all ur teeth with ur tongue.
2nd fact:After reading this, all fools will try it.
3rd fact:Now you will smile because you have become a fool.
4d fact:Now you want to fool your friends.
5th fact:Now you will forward it to all your friends.
6th fact:Fact 1 is false.
3) Doctor:I have some bad news and some very bad news.
Patient:Well,might as well give me the bad news first.
Doctor:The lab called with your test results.
They said you have 24 hours to live.
Patient:24 HOURS! That's terrible! WHAT could be WORSE?
What's the very bad news?
Doctor:I've been trying to reach you since yesterday.
4) A couple was dating near the sea.
Boyfriend:You remind me of the sea.
Girlfriend:Why?, is it because i'm wild,sexy and unpredictable?
Boyfriend:No it's because you make me sick.
5) A guy went to a coffee shop.
Guy:I would like a cup of coffee please?
Waiter:Would you like your coffee black sir?
Guy:What other colours do you have?
1) Dying man asks his wife.Our 4th son always looked different from the other 3,
Did he have a different father?
Man:Whose is it?
2) 6 facts on earth:
1st fact:You can't touch all ur teeth with ur tongue.
2nd fact:After reading this, all fools will try it.
3rd fact:Now you will smile because you have become a fool.
4d fact:Now you want to fool your friends.
5th fact:Now you will forward it to all your friends.
6th fact:Fact 1 is false.
3) Doctor:I have some bad news and some very bad news.
Patient:Well,might as well give me the bad news first.
Doctor:The lab called with your test results.
They said you have 24 hours to live.
Patient:24 HOURS! That's terrible! WHAT could be WORSE?
What's the very bad news?
Doctor:I've been trying to reach you since yesterday.
4) A couple was dating near the sea.
Boyfriend:You remind me of the sea.
Girlfriend:Why?, is it because i'm wild,sexy and unpredictable?
Boyfriend:No it's because you make me sick.
5) A guy went to a coffee shop.
Guy:I would like a cup of coffee please?
Waiter:Would you like your coffee black sir?
Guy:What other colours do you have?
~My Mom's Days~
Well my mom was admitted in a private hospital on last monday at Tawakal Hospital.It was because she had some sort of heart problem.So right after class on Monday which is EAP class , I went to stay with my mom and watch over her there.I stayed with her there until Saturday.She went through several treatments which is a ECHO examination, scope, ECG, and a angiogram which is all related to the heart.An Echo is some sort of instrument that they insert through the mouth or other places to see something connecting the heart.An ECG to test the heart beat and so on.Last but not least they did an angiogram to see whether there were any blocks in my mom's heart.If there is any blocks they will blast it and replace it with something called angioplasty or do a bypass if there's too much blocks.Luckily my mom only had a small block in her heart and we found out that her real problem is her uncontrolled or poor looked after diabetic level which is causing the pain in her heart.It sort of slows down her heart beat and she also had lots of water in her lungs which causes her inability to breathe at night.The doctor was amazing and told us about my mom's medical condition in detail.Well, after all the treatment my mom is much better now and that makes me feel a whole lot better too.The doctor was also kind enough to give my mom one week leave and a letter for light work because of her heart condition.Since my mom works as a police officer, her work is really hectic and tiring so luckily the doctor gave her that letter.She has an appointment with the doctor this week on Friday for her regular check-up.Well that's all for now.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
"Mid term break"
Well my mid term break starts next week on friday if I'm not mistaken but we I don't have class on thursday so Iwill be going back on wednesday.My break will be for approximately 12 days and I'm very happy and excited.At last I could relax from studying and doing assignments every week.My mom's going to be admitted tomorrow at a hospital for check-up.She might stay there for about 3 days and if anything comes up during the check-up, she might have to do an operation.I hope she doesn't have to go through and operation and will be just fine with normal medication.I'm worried but I have to go class this week, if anything happens I'll go back and see her immediately.I hope my mom will be fine and the days past fast.After class on wednesday, I'll go back to rawang and spend time with my family and also study for the upcoming exams.It's already week 9 and only about 5 weeks to go before finishing this long semester.Time sure flies fast and that's about it for today.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
>Foreign People's English<
I'm writing a blog now because I wanted to write it down quick, so I would not forget it later when I'm thinking of a topic to wrote in my blog.I and veena was just walking home from management class and we bumped into a foreigner on our way.We simply used the long way this time to find out better ways or in case we ever got lost we could find our way home.This foreigner if I 'm not mistaken looks like she's from one of the arabic countries and can't find her way around.She asked us in her dialect "how to go to Ampang Park with bus?'.We told her she could take the train there or taxi which is easier.But instead of that fact, she told us she knows how to go to Ampang Park with train but not with bus.She wants to learn another sort of transportation to go to Ampang Park.We were amazed by her endurance and perseverance ability and wanting to know more about different transportations to go to her destination.At last we told her we're not sure and she went on asking someone else.There we were trying to find an easier way to walk home, yet this foreign lady is working hard on getting adequate information on transportation to reach her destination.We realized our mistake and I decided to sort of follow in her steps.We also have to learn to understand foreign people's English as it varies from countries as their dialect is different.Luckily I and veena understood what she was trying so hard to say, as she seemed a little scared to ask us about Ampang Park.In 3 years time when we go to US, we have to do the same which is understand and give feedback to them as it shows our understanding in what they are saying.Even if it is slightly different, we have to try as it will help us later. That's all, thank you.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Today's class.....
Well today we had EAP class ,and we were learning ways to write for our audience.It seems that we must always write our essays or any written activity to be presented effectively to our audience.For example, in our essays our audience are our lecturers.Any tasks that are given by them in a written form has to be written in order for them to understand what we are saying.I didn't know that this was such an important key in writing essays.It has to be clear, explicit and the information must be adequate.When all of this information add up, it becomes a excellent essay and naturally ends up with great marks.Next time I write an essay, I will bear my audience in mind and write for them so they could understand my essay even better.I'm actually planning to write a story book later in years to come.It has been my long term dream to produce my own story book.Later when I decide to start working on my story book, I will remember my target audience for sure.I haven't decided on the title or the story line yet but i I hope to start on it when I have completed my degree.I have read many story and literary books since I was young and I hope to use those words I've learned in my future story book.Another activity we did in EAP class was doing grammar questions online.It was tough alright,and by doing those questions ,I learned that I still have much to improve in the english language grammar.I will try my best to improve on my grammar and hopefully the book I plan to write in the future comes out well without grammatical errors.That' all thank you.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
#National service friend#
I once had a good friend in national service whose name is vigi.She is the same age as me and one of the sweetest girl i have ever met.Even though i only knew her for two weeks but i still do contact her once in a while to get updates about her.She's currently doing her degree in civil engineering in uniten.I miss her a lot because she was very kind to me even though we just met during my first day in PLKN.She helped me just like how my own family would have helped me in a different state away from my family at that time.We stayed in different blocks yet we were very close just like family.My block was block A and hers was block E if i remember correctly yet we always met during break times or physical exercise time.It was fun being there just because i knew she was there for me if i need anything.We depended on each other for anything either food or health wise.We could meet up sometime after i and her have finished our degree's in three years time hopefully.Well that's all i could tell about my best friend in national service which i respect and look up to so much.I hope she will complete her degree without any difficulties what so ever.
*Tasks done*
At last my assignments are completed and finished.My study skills and management assignment is finally completed and i am so happy because it feels like a big burden has just been lifted off my shoulders.After hours,days and weeks of hard work and patients, the assignments are finally done and i am really satisfied with my own work.All my research and knowledge has been puored into both my assignments and hopefully my hard work will be paid off with excellent marks if possible.I just got one more assignment but this one is a group assignment so i guess it has to wait, for a group discussion with my groupmates first.I have to submit both my assignments this week,study skills on tuesday and management on wednesday i think.Both the assignments gave me terrible headache and many sleepless nights because of the very thought i haven't finished it yet.I can get these headache and so on if i haven't completed any work or task given, i guess it's just my nature to be like this.I wish i could be like some other people who can relax and just do their work at the last minute.I just can't do that, it is just not me.Well at least all my current assignments are done so i do feel much better now and at ease.I hope my next assignment for microeconomics will go smooth as well, that's all.
This is my favourite time which is when i go back to my house during the weekends and see my family.I get to relax and not worry about class,assignments, food and many other factors.I get to be with my family and that is the best part of it all.Usually when i go back i am the happiest one i think because i do miss my family when i am alone here.Especially when i am not feeling well or down because of stress.Last week i was not feeling well and i kept on thinking of my family especially my parents or more specifically my mom.I was thankful actually that friday's extra class was cancelled so i could finally go home.When i went home my mom cooked for me and we spent the time together with my father and younger brother as well.This weekend my mom's not working and i am so glad she was not working because if not i could only see her during bed time or maybe early in the morning.We also played ping pong and darts together.On Saturday we went to the theatre to watch a movie and came home at midnight.I'm actually mad because the days pass so fast and i have to come back to kl so fast like today night.Well i have decided to only stay here for one year only so it doesn't matter i guess.In the end of the year i have decided to take my driving license and after that travel to my campus.As long as i am with my family i don't mind travelling.I hope 1 year passes soon and fast.Well that's all i guess.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Good and bad stress
So our study skill lecturer told us that she wanted to teach us this so called method of 'good stress and bad stress' yet she cancelled our class.Well i think that is bad stress and i learnt that the hard way.The reason is that she cancelled our class out of the blues. It came as a shock to me since i was not informed by the lecturer.The main reason is i'm not feeling well as i have informed in my earlier blog.I was just informed by veena and i'm just not satisfied.I hope i get better soon because i still have class tomorrow for accounting.Study skills assignment and bowling cancelled just like that.Class starts at 2 tomorrow so i guess i can sleep late. Veena just came after her cousins weeding and luckily she came because i'm alone at our apartment since 6.30p.m.With the amount of foreigners here, i'm just not ready to take risks and sleep alone without company.Well that's it i suppose.
Well yesterday was merdeka our independence day and it was fun.I was at home with all my cousins and family members and they all went back yesterday night after celebrating together.I was not feeling well though because my brother had sore throat and he transferred his disease to me.So yesterday and even until now i'm still not feeling well.Eventhough so, i still have class tomorrow and bowling as well so i have to go class.Plus i have to submit my assignment for study skills.The portfolio has to be submitted tomorrow and i have no choice in the matter.I thought of taking an medilcal leave which i'm sure i can arrange but study comes first i guess so i hope my fever,flue and cough goes off as soon as possible.I can't concentrate in class if i'm not well some more it's so cold in the classroom.I didn't celebrate much for independence day because of my sickness problem.I guess i'll have to wait for next year to celebrate in good health.I do hope i get better soon as well as my brother.That's it i guess....
Defensless animals...
I have commented about this matter about roughly two times already i think.When i was on my way back home on thursday since our EAP class was cancelled i saw yet again another dead animal on the highway.After seeing it lying on the floor like that, i just couldn't stand it anymore i guess.I thought to myself poor animal and impatient drivers which i am not satisfied with definitely.I couldn't do anything to help it because my dad was driving on the highway and so i couldn't do anything about it.The annoying thing is nobody cares for that unlucky animal and just leaves it there even after it's death.So when i was almost reaching home my dad stopped to buy something and i saw a pregnant dog crossing the road over and over again without any senswe of direction.It seems to be finding for something to eat to fill it's stomach and for it's puppies.I immediately took a few biscuits that i had that time and wanted to give it but i couldn't call it.After that my dad came so i went in the car and we headed home.Just in case the dog finds the biscuits, i left my biscuits somewhere where the dog can find it easily.Hopefully that dog found the food i left for it.That's it i guess for tonight.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Well so far i have two assignments that i have yet to finish.I overheard that the economy assignment will be given this week by our proffesor.All this assignments and work is damn a lot and time is just so limited to finish or complete it.I have this week to finish study skill's portfolio and if possible management's interview.There's also many homework to be done and it's totally giving me a terrible headache.The only time to rest is now which is at night but then i thought why not do my blog?, at least one work is done.I still have many blogs to do every week but this is the last for this week.There's also a quiz on Friday which i must study for,this course is really challenging physically and mentally.The study skills assignment is quite tough to do since we have to recollect all our certificates and skills from our past and put it into this assignment.There's just to much work involved in ths assignment but luckily i am not the only one that's suffering with this course.It's challenging and difficult and that's what i like about the assignment so it doesn't matter.Hopefully this assignment's carry over marks helps me before i sit for the final exam so as the other assignments.Well hopefully i'll finish doing my assignment by this week and rest at home for the weekends with my family.
I guess this is the most widely asked question when and since I started staying in city one plaza most definitely.It's just plain weird because i used to live in kl as well but it has been 5 years since i left this place.Now when i came back there full of foreigners from each walk of life seriously.There pakistani's,bangla's, africans and so on.The list is actually much longer but this are the main one's that comes to mind right now.They do act like they are from our country yet that is just not the fact.Me and all my housemates are afraid to go out alone because of this factor.We are afraid because we were warned before we came here that this place is full of foreigners and we must be careful especially at night.We are prohibited to go out after 10 yet we never go out even after 9 so i guess so far we're still okay.I just hate it when i go down because this annoying foreigners are always sitting downstairs and always watch us pass.It's so disturbing and because of that i feel less freedom.It's not like i like going out at night but it's just for safety reasons.We 4 will always go and come together and that is the plus point.They also make the lift so full sometimes and we find it hard to go down and up the lift.We just have to be patient for the while being i think and we will get used to it.It wasn't like this 5 years ago and it was much safer.If you walk along anywhere around here, you will definitely come across a foreigner.It's much easier to spot a foreigner than a Malaysian around this place nowadays.I wonder what our country is coming to?.They can't hire our own [people, they hire foreigners because they are cheap.In my opinion, i don't think that is a concrete reason at all.Well that's it for now.
Well we had two quizzes today for both accounting and study skills and well in my opinion both was hard.Study skills was first and there were 6 questions if i'm not mistaken, i accidentally answered all the questions.I didn't read the instructions that were given.It states that the first two question is compulsory but the other four we had a choice of taking only two.Well i didn't regret answering all because i had a more better understanding about the topic than i had before the test.I was cramming the whole night yesterday to learn accounting yet i didn't understand much when the actual test came in my hands.I did learn study skills yesterday night and today morning before class but it's an okay test for me but still hard of course.I didn't know that our lecturer will include about some Howard guy who is a psychologist in the test and ask about his opinion on huma's multiple intelligence.It did give me a shock yet i guess i could make up my own words to solve that question.All the notes i read for study skills came out so i am glad and thankful.I'm just not satisfied about the accounting test only, it was damn hard for me because it is my first time to learn accounting since most of them knows the basics of the subject.I was never good in numbers anyways i guess on the other hand.I'll just have to try harder when it comes to subjects relating to numbers i guess and i will try my very best most definitely.
Friday, August 22, 2008
(Olimpic games)
The olympic's game this time was really nice to watch.Eventhough i did not see much because i was not home but many world records were broken this time.China's opening ceremony was really eye catching with the big footsteps walking towards the stadium which was designed following the shape of a bird's nest.I didn't see much yet i got most of my information from my younger brother.Among the records that were broken the swimming record, running and many more.Even the date of the olympic's game was planned to be on chinese's lucky number which is 8.Their creativity to organise such an event took many years of training and all their efforts are paid off with so many world records broken.Among the most popular athlete's are Michael Phelps and Hussain Bolt i think this time around.They broke their previous records and i'm sure their names will be in the future history books soon, most probably by next year.I also heard that the next olimpic games wil be in London so i hope that more records will be broken next time as well.Watching this games takes of some of the burden i feel while doing my assignments, and i feel proud that there are many people out there that are very talented in many sports.It gives me the spirit to try my best in anything i do just like them.Well that's all.
-Best Friend-
My best friend's name is jennifer and i know her for a year plus. She was in the same foundation as me which is foundation in management.She's kind, nice and the sweetest girl i've ever met.She's the same age as me 19 years old and i really do miss her a lot because we're not taking the same degree.Currently sh'e taking degree in education while i'm in a business management degree.It's hard to leave my best friend and adapt with new people but i do try for i know i can't always stick or depend on the same people to improve myself.None of my foundation mates took the same course as me.Eventhough it is because of the scholarship offer and none of them got the oppurtunity, I still do feel a little sad.But nowadays i feel much better and being able to adapt to the new environment, with new people and new friends.The only one i knew was v chan which is my former housemate and great friend of mine.Thinking of her now i hope her friend which is going for an operation today will be fine.I hope she doesn't worry much and sleeps well tonight.Well that's all.
@Animal Awareness@
Well this topic is about animals which i'm really concerned about.I really do feel pity for these animals on streets which are disabled somehow due to some people's carelessness.Today on the way home from city one plaza, I saw a dog limping and it really struck me from the inside, the sense of guilt.I wish i could do something to help it but i realized that i couldn't for it is just too late.I could have if i wasn't in a rush, poor defensless animal i thought.I really don't know who hit it by stick or was banged by a car or motor, yet it was really suffering to walk.There's just too many animals that the SPCA handle that they might not be able to occupy all of them at once.I do know about this because i did twice give away my dog's puppies to them to nurture rather than to just leave them on the road to die.I had to do it because the goverment does not give permit to people to have more than two dogs so i had to give them away.My family takes care of the puppies and usually try to find a family for them but if we couldn't we have to give them to the SPCA.I do hope they will construct more shelters or home for these animals to grow and be safe.If possible when i grow up i will try my best to help them for sure.If my business goes well and i do have extra money i'll try to build more shelters for them.I've loved animals since i was young and i still do so i really do hope that they have the same privilidge as us humans.I don't see anything wrong in this issue since they do live in our world too so naturally they shouldn't be harmed in any way.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Environmental issues
As we all might already know our planet's ozon layer is thining every single minute and it is due to our carelessness.We just couldn't care for the environment at all because it doesn't benefit us in any way or so we think.Some people are well aware of our condition yet they just ignore the issue and go on with their lives.For people who are not that well aware, well there are just countless human errors involved in producing environmental issues.People throw garbage in lakes or rivers, burn trash in the open, use materials that can't be recycled and many more.If we don't act soon, we will not be able to see our planet in years to come.How about the future children and leaders?People are just not taking this matter seriously and that is a poor reason in my opinion.There's also many people who are trying their best to save our earth yet their efforts are all useless if we do not lend a hand in the matter.Everyday i walk through our roads or anywhere i see garbage, and that still means people are not playing their part in rescuing our planet.I really hope that people will soon realize and wake up,hopefully we still have time to save our earth.I'm playing my part so i can only hope that they will as well.Well that's all...
City 1 plaza.....
Well i started staying there two days ago on the 10th if i'm not wrong and still staying there even up to now after leaving kelana puteri on wednesday.I put all my stuff at saturday and moved in at sunday night at about 8.30p.m.After half an hour veena reached to the apartment and we both started unpacking our stuff.Azie and ain were already there much earlier than us and about 12.00 we started sleeping.Well naturally i couldn't sleep at all because i was not sleepy and after about 1.30a.m.,i heard a sound from outside.It was someone singing, a woman if i'm not mistaken.She sang a very disturbing song which made me have goosebumps and scared.It was such a low melody song yet loud but later i found out that there was a pub somewhere near our apartment that had been the source of that unpleasant voice.I was damn relieved but i guess i will just try not to think about it that much as my parents and veena said.I'm still a little scared but i slept better yesterday night compared to the night before.After bonding with the girls in my apartment i'm no more afraid anymore and can adapt myself in the new environment.I'm still cautious but i think they should not make the sound so loud at the pub especially at night when people are trying to take a nap. Hopefully i could find the people in charge and inform them about the current situation.Well that's all....
I used to have a lecturer named M.Dorathy Benjamin and she taught me 4 subjects when i was still doing foundation in management course which is located in Kelana Jaya Campus.She taught me history of human civilisation,information searching and retrieval,law and society and also understanding the human brain and intelligence.When she first taught me, i was scared of her and did not understand her teaching as well. But after knowing her for about 8 months for 3 semesters i started to admire the way she taught us, her students.She can be tough at times but she is indeed a great lecturer and I do look up to her as a role model.I haven't spoke to her in a while since i took my degree but she will never be forgotten.I heard from my fellow classmates that she ended her contract with unitar or got an offer to teach at a public university, anyways i wish her the best for the goals she wants to accomplish.Most of my classmates hated her for her strict behaviour but that behaviour itself made us all do well in our final exams.I'm really thankful to her for all the results i achieved while learning with her.I got all a's for her subjects except 1 subject(law) which was an a-.She gave us many hard assignments but we were able to do it with her assistance.For anyone who knows her in unitar or her future students, well don't be afraid to get some critics from her okay for you will benefit from her teaching later.Well that's all guys.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Animals on the street...
I'm writing about this topic because i am worried about the animals on the street lying dead due to people's ignorance on street and roads.Everytime i pass the roads no matter where there is always some animal lyind dead and also smashed on the road because of the inconsiderate drivers.I do not think they have pity for these creatures eventhough they are living things like us as well.Most of the animals i see lying around dead are squirrels, cats and dogs.Sometimes there are even rats and other animals on the roads.I really do feel a lot of pity for them because they could of been alive if there were no human errors involved.This people do not only smash or drive on them but they do not feel guilty for the animal's death not the slightest bit.The anim als have no choice but to use the road because of the new buildings that are built near or at their home.They do not have anywhere to go so they end up dead because of these irresponsible humans.I really do hope that they will realise their mistakes and try to avoid banging these poor defensless animals.By reading this blog of mine i do hope they will learn their lesson and more animal's lives will be saved.That's all, thank you.
National service...
I got selected to go the national service last year as the second badge. To be honest I was not happy at all when i was selected.I was selected to go to Kelantan which was very far from home and family but i had no choice in the matter.Well i did have a choice of getting a nearer camp which is in Kuala Kubu Bharu just 30 minutes from my home because my mom knows the officer for the national service.I could have got transferred to a nearer place bit i declined.So a few months later i was on the bus to Kelantan and reached in the evening there. After registration all of us trainees was splited up into 4 dorms.I was in the alpha dorm and there was about 30 of us in our dorm. Eventhough i was only there for two weeks, but i learnt a lot even in such a short period.I was taught to speak out, leadership skills and to be active in sports.The trainees are very sporting and the doctors there are very helpful. After being there for two weeks i got the offer letter from unitar so i left the national service and joined unitar.I was often sick when i was in plkn.I had high blood pressure, stomache pain and headache.The food there eventhough five times a day was not very healthy in my opinion.Maybe not cooked properly or the environment around i am not sure but it was not suiting my appetite somehow.Even the water there is dirty and have a lot of insects in it.After seeing the doctor, i left plkn with the unitar offer and due to my sickness as well.I do not regret going and do regret going as well.Well that's all thank you.
Well i had an operation when I was Form 1 which is an operation for ovarion sist. I noticed i had ovarion sist when i often had stomache quite frequently and my stomache getting better. Most of my family members including cousins also had a sist. It only affects girls since it's located near the ovari.I was examined and it was confirmed i had an ovarion sist.I had two sists, one in the left and one in the right.The right one was big and the left one was small yet connected to the right sist in some way.They extracted the water from the right sist and took out the left sist. I was in HUKM for a week for recovery and was given two months to fully recover. It was painful yet worth better than suffering stomache pain daily.Even after two months i was not allowed to be in sports due to the reason that the stitches might open. After a year, i was allowed to be in sports but it was hard for me to catch up in studies but i managed somehow. That's all, thank you.
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